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This Christmas, La Gourmet Box invites you to discover the gastronomical paradise of Tarn-et-Garonne, less famous than its prestigious neighbours of Gers and Quercy, but still filled with scrumptious surprises. Thanks to magnificent artisans, this christmas hamper is packed with the rich culinary traditions of southwest France. Bon appétit! The holiday season won't be complete without this special gourmet basket.
Content of your French Christmas Gourmet hamper:
• Cadis, AOC Saint-Sardos 2018, red wine (75 cl) • Farmhouse pâté with 40% duck foie-gras (125 g) • Crisp pickled vegetable medley (150 g) • Gourmet pork terrine seasoned with dried tomato bits (200 g) • Traditional duck stew with old-fashioned red wine sauce (600 g) • Tender Agen prunes in syrup with a hint of orange peel and Bourbon vanilla (360 g) • The historic Boulet de Montauban (Montauban Cannonball), a small roasted hazelnut, sugar coated and dipped in delicious dark chocolate (180 g)
Details on our Christmas gourmet hamper products and artisans below.
Experience the succulent delights of France Southwest gastronomy, as you eat your way through this fabulous gourmet box.
Cadis, AOC Saint-Sardos 2018, red wine (75 cl)
Winery: Vignerons de Saint-Sardos.
We wanted to introduce you to the wines of Saint-Sardos because this is the only French designation of origin that combines Syrah and Tannat grapes. The spiced delicacy of Syrah and the powerful kick of Tannat produces complex, intense, beautiful reds. The vines, which grow facing south-southwest, have a naturally low yield, concentrating the essence of the Saint-Sardos terroir.
This rich wine has a lovely aromatic harmony, long finish and balanced mouthfeel, making it the perfect companion to your Christmas gourmet hamper. Cheers!
Serve slightly chilled.
Farmhouse pâté with 40% duck foie-gras (125 g)
Artisan: La ferme de la Grand Borde, Gaetan Coureau.
Located at the edge of Gers, the capital of foie-gras, the Grande Borde farm sits on 3 hectares of Lomagnols hills surrounded by grain fields. The family raises fattened ducks, the famous mulards that produce the gem of southwest French cuisine.
Knowing that the quality of the meat, and especially of the foie-gras, depends on the animals’ wellbeing, they do things right: their ducks are raised in outdoor pens, fed on grains from their own fields, and later fattened in the traditional way with white and yellow corn kernels. These magnificent fatty ducks are then transformed into delicious culinary products right on the farm.
For Christmas, we’re sure you’ll enjoy the taste of this savoury pâté made with 40% duck liver—practically a foie-gras! It’s amazing on toast with a dash of salt and pepper.
Crisp pickled vegetable medley (150 g)
Artisan: Les Richesses de la Terre, Famille Schievene.
Eric grows beautiful vegetables in a sun-drenched garden near Montauban using organic agriculture. One day, he decided to turn his magnificent produce into gourmet products. The family pitched in, and here we have a sampling of his finest veggies pickled in brine: perfect consistency and fabulous flavour!
We look forward to hearing about your different vegetable experience this Christmas.
Gourmet pork terrine seasoned with dried tomato bits (200 g)
Artisan: MICOULEAU, conserverie artisanale & familiale, Françoise Dirat, Nicole - André Micouleau et Jean-Claude Micouleau.
Winner of the Prix de l’Excellence at the 2017 Concours Général Agricole, our artisan and his family have worked to improve on the culinary heritage of southwest France for generations.
If you’re in the mood for a holiday treat, try this excellent pork spread with no artificial colouring or preservatives and the slightly acidic taste of dried tomato. A mouth-watering morsel!
Traditional duck stew with old-fashioned red wine sauce (600 g)
Artisan: La ferme de la Grand Borde, Gaetan Coureau.
Of course, our holiday hamper had to include a French Christmas classic! The fattened ducks raised by our artisan are magnified here in an incredibly savoury stew: duck blood, red wine and a few secret ingredients are slowly cooked for hours to make an absolutely delicious sauce. A delectable dish to spice up your table this Christmas!
Heat slowly in a saucepan or bain-marie and serve with pasta, rice or steamed potatoes.
Tender Agen prunes in syrup with a hint of orange peel and Bourbon vanilla (360 g)
Artisan: Ferme familiale Vergers de Touticaut, Sabine et Hervé Maury.
Sabine and Hervé transform the beautiful fruit from their orchard into delicious gourmet products. Their delicious soft Agen prunes, stewed in a slightly sweet syrup and flavoured with candied orange peels and a dash of Bourbon vanilla, are an unforgettable foodie experience. Soon Touticaut prunes will be all you can think about!
Place the jar in the fridge a few hours before serving and savour the fruit plain, with a scoop of artisanal vanilla ice cream or, if you’re feeling festive, a splash of Armagnac.
The historic Boulet de Montauban (Montauban Cannonball), a small roasted hazelnut, sugar coated and dipped in delicious dark chocolate (180 g)
Artisan Chocolate maker: Maison Dragées Pecou.
A quick history lesson: in 1621, King Louis XIII ordered his army to fire 400 cannonballs simultaneously over the town of Montauban, hoping this would convince the townspeople to surrender more swiftly. However, his strategy failed: the town fell, but it didn’t surrender. Legend has it that the people of Montauban, after running out of ammunition for their cannons, decided to melt down sugar loafs and turn them into cannonballs.
Although the town eventually caved, that bold stand gave our confectioner the idea for a simple yet delicious commemorative sweet. He took a roasted hazelnut, rolled it in sugar and dipped it in dark chocolate, and voilà—the Boulet de Montauban!
Have a delicious Christmas in Tarn-et-Garonne!
Schreiben Sie eine Bewertung
Jeden Monat lassen wir unsere neuen Gourmet-Boxen von unabhängigen Testern testen (wir bezahlen sie nicht! Wir schicken nur eine unserer Boxen), die auf die Welt der Gourmet-Boxen spezialisiert sind, um externe Beratung zu erhalten (wir würden natürlich jedes Mal 10/10 setzen....) und unsere neuesten Gourmet-Körbe bekannt zu machen, weil wir stolz auf sie sind, und wir müssen das Spiel der Kritik spielen.......
Diesem Monat unsere Gourmet-Box der Sarthe in LaBoxduMois and Touteslesbox website: Einstimmig !