Als Dankeschön an Ihre Angehörigen, Kunden oder Mitarbeiter verschenken Sie Gourmand und Eleganz! Entdecken Sie HIER unsere Dankeschön-Gourmet-Körbe, gefüllt mit Nuggets von unseren kleinen Handwerkern aus Frankreich und Spanien mit Lieferung in fast alle europäischen Länder. Wie immer können Sie Ihre Geschenke mit Ihren eigenen Worten an den Empfänger personalisieren.

Unsere Französische Gourmet-Box die Auvergne region

(1 Sternebewertungen)

Diesen Monat lädt La Gourmet Box Sie ein, die herrlichen Aromen des Departements Puy de Dôme in der Auvergne zu entdecken. Eingebettet zwischen der fruchtbaren Limagne-Ebene und den Vulkanen der Auvergne ist dieses Land vollgepackt mit kulinarischen Perlen, die unsere neugierigen Feinschmecker begeistern werden. Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Geschmacksnerven zu beeindrucken?

Inhalt Ihres Auvergne-Gourmet-Korbes :

• Owl Beer, handwerklich gebrautes helles Bier (75 cl)
• Margottes d'Auvergne, köstliche Kekse mit Fourme d'Ambert Käse und Nüssen (120 g)
• Bio-Mousse-Aufstrich mit Karotten und Auvergne AOP-Blauschimmelkäse (100 g)
•Authentische Bolognese-Sauce, geschmortes Rindfleisch aus Aubrac mit Tomatensauce (400 g)
• Les Perles Bio, kleine Bio-Hartweizennudeln (500 g)
• Leckeres, leicht säuerliches Apfel-Blaubeer-Kompott (340 g)
•Trio de l'Auvergnat, handwerklich hergestellte Meringues mit einem Hauch von Likören (65 g)
• Knusprige Enzian- und Eisenkrautkekse (150 g).

Details zu unseren Gourmet-Körben aus der Auvergne und den Handwerkern finden Sie unten

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UNSERE Gourmet-Geschenkbox aus die Auvergne, Puy-de-Dôme

Erleben Sie die saftigen Köstlichkeiten der französischen Auvergne-Gastronomie, während Sie sich durch diese fabelhafte Puy-de-Dôme-Gourmet-Box essen.

Owl Beer, craft pale ale (75 cl)

craft-beer-auvergneCraft Brewery: Brasserie et Ferme des Sagnes, Etienne Bertrand et Fabien Guillou.

At their microbrewery, the founder’s son and his childhood friend do everything themselves, from grinding the barley and making and fermenting the beer to bottling and labelling. They even grow their own hops on the family farm. Their brews aren’t filtered or pasteurized, and the result is authentic, natural, lively beer.

We wanted you to try their Owl Beer, a pleasantly round, fruity ale with a perfect balance of aromatic French hops and malts, all fermented with an unusual “Belgian-type” yeast.

Chill and savour the nuances of this amazingly tasty craft beer.

Margottes d’Auvergne, delicious biscuits flavoured with Fourme d’Ambert cheese and nuts (120 g)

french-cheese-biscuits-auvergneArtisan: L'Atelier Auvergnat, Artisan Biscuitier d'Auvergne.

L’Atelier Auvergnat, a family business specialized in artisanal sweet and savoury biscuits, has one aim: use the finest natural products of Auvergne to make the region's best biscuits the old-fashioned way. An ambitious goal, but they're already making it happen.

These flavourful biscuits are seasoned with the famous Fourme d’Ambert cheese and a hint of walnuts.

Foodie tip: for extra crunch, heat the biscuits in the oven at 180º for three minutes and let them cool: happy snacking!

Mousse spread with carrots and Auvergne AOP blue cheese (100 g)

organic-carrot-spread-cheeseArtisan: Clac, Conserverie Locale Artisanale & Créative Bio.

Local, artisanal, eco-friendly production methods, Km0 philosophy, respect for producers and the environment—we at La Gourmet Box couldn’t agree more with this artisan’s values. Strong values make a successful snack! Clac works with fifteen ecological producers in Auvergne to create delicious, all-natural creamy spreads.

This mousse, his first invention, combines sweetness and intensity thanks to the blend of carrots and Auvergne AOP blue cheese.

Perfect for spreading on a slice of freshly baked bread or dipping raw veggies or breadsticks.

Authentic Bolognese sauce, Aubrac beef stewed with tomato sauce, small vegetables and herbs (400 g)

artisan-bolognese-sauceArtisan: Ferme Elevage Gasteau, Nathalie et Paul Gasteau

In the heart of the Auvergne volcanoes region, this highland farm raises Aubrac cattle, one of the finest beef breeds, the traditional way: in summer the cows are put out to pasture, and in winter they return to the stables, where they eat hay harvested from the nearby meadows. Respect for animal welfare and for the environment aren't just empty words here.

Discover or rediscover the authentic taste of premium farmhouse beef in this delicious Bolognese sauce recipe.

A genuine artisanal success!

Les Perles Bio, small organic durum wheat pasta (500 g)

organic-pasta-auvergneArtisan: La ferme Bio des quatre vents, Sandrine, Hervé et Jonathan Brun.

Our artisan, a firm believer in the Km0 philosophy, grows his organic wheat the old-fashioned way (crop rotation, no chemical products) in the black soil of Limagne, a plain famous for its fertility since antiquity. He also processes the harvest on his own farm.

The result of his good practices is these tasty pasta pearls, the ideal accompaniment for your homemade Bolognese sauce.

Tasty, slightly tart apple and blueberry compote (340 g)

craft-compote-apple-blueberryArtisan: Le Tango des Saveurs, Confiturier.

Good jams require good fruit picked at the perfect point of ripeness, and the same goes for compotes. Our Auvergne artisan has learned all the secrets of making excellent jams and applied them to his compotes.

We chose this combination of apple and blueberry, the quintessential wild mountain fruit of Auvergne, to bring you some loving spoonfuls of tangy sweetness, with far less sugar than even an artisanal jam.

Trio de l’Auvergnat artisanal meringues with a hint of Gentian liqueur, lemon verbena liqueur and blueberry and chestnut liqueur (65 g)

meringues-artisan-gentian-liqueurArtisan: Les Liqueurs de l'abbaye, Laurent Dartere.

Laurent Dartere harvests gentian roots from the mountain soil at altitudes of between 800 and 1,200 metres above sea level. He uses traditional methods to make his liqueurs, macerating the roots for several months without heat to preserve all their natural flavour.

His stellar liqueurs give these homemade meringues a spectacular twist.

Crisp gentian and verbena biscuits (150 g)

auvergne-biscuitsArtisan: Crok Andises, Christophe Chevalier Artisan Biscuitier, Chocolatier, Confiseur.

In Cournon d’Auvergne, Christophe makes sweets that pay tribute to regional flavours like lemon verbena, gentian and blueberry. His artisanal process respects time-honoured traditions and uses natural ingredients, with no artificial colouring or preservatives. The results speak for themselves!

The gentian and verbena make these little morsels a rare treat. They’re simply delicious, especially combined with the homemade compote.


Bon Voyage to Auvergne and the Volcanoes region !